Kamis, 10 November 2011

Question Tag 1

Question tags adalah pertanyaan singkat yang diikutkan pada akhir sebuah kalimat untuk membuat pertanyaan. Contoh:
Kalimat:- She speaks English.
Pertanyaan:- Does she speak English?
Question Tag:- She speaks English, doesn’t she?
Question tag dibentuk dari sebuah kata kerja bantu dan subjek. Jika kalimat positif, kita biasanya menggunakan tag negatif, contoh:
  • That‘s a great song, isn’t it?
  • She‘s a lawyer, isn’t she?
Jika kalimat negatif, kita gunakan tag positif. Contoh:
  • You‘re not busy, are you?
  • This way isn’t right, is it?
Kata kerja bantu dan subjek dalam question tag sesuai dengan yang terdapat pada kalimat utama. Hanya bentuk positif dan negatifnya yang berubah. Contoh:
  • He can play the trumpet, can’t he?
  • You haven’t finished yet, have you?
Pada kalimat diatas subjek diberi warna biru, dan kata kerja bantu warna hijau. Yang mengalami perubahan hanya bagian dari pertanyaan yang positif atau negatif.
Question tag memiliki dua tujuan utama: untuk menguatkan informasi yang diharapkan dan untuk menanyakan informasi yang tidak diharapkan. Kedua tujuan ini bisa dibedakan berdasarkan intonasi pengucapan yang kita gunakan – jika suara merendah berarti pertanyaan tersebut menanyakan informasi yang diharapkan – jika suara meninggi berarti benar-benar menyanakan sebuah pertanyaan. Contoh:
  • Intonasi menurun – You haven’t finished yet, have you?
Penanya mengharapkan orang yang ditanya telah selesai, penanya hanya memeriksa saja untuk memastikan.
  • Intonasi meningkat – You haven’t finished yet, have you?
Pembicara benar-benar menanyakan apakah yang ditanya sudah selesai atau tidak. Jika yagn ditanya selesai lebih cepat dari yang diharapkan si penanya, maka pembicara akan terkejut.
  • You’re really busy now, aren’t you? – Yes, I’ve got to finish this by Monday.
Orang yang ditanya pada kalimat diatas menguatkan bahwa dia sedang sibuk, kemungkinan dengan menunjukkan simpati juga.
  • Why are you watching TV? You’re really busy now, aren’t you? – Not really, I did most of it last night.
Pada kalimat ini orang yang bertanya menganggap orang yang ditanya sibuk tetapi penanya terkejut sebab orang yang ditanya seharusnya sedang bekerja bukan nonton TV, jadi penanya menanyakan tentang situasi yang tidak diharapkan.
Kalimat negatif dengan tag positif sering digunakan untuk menyatakan permintaan, contoh:
  • You don’t have a pencil, do you?
  • You couldn’t change a $5 bill, could you?
Question tag yang memerintah biasanya menggunakan will, contoh:
  • Open the door for me, will you?
  • Hang on a minute, will you?
Selama tidak digunakan dengan bahasa informal, question tag dengan maksud memerintah sering terdengar tidak bersabar.
Antonim menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia adalah istilah linguistik yang merujuk pada pasangan kata yang berlawanan artinya (lawan kata). Contoh: panas adalah antonim dingin. Berikut ini adalah Daftar Antonim (lawan Kata) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

  1. abeyance - continuance
  2. abjure - espouse
  3. abjure - pledge
  4. abrogate - institute
  5. abrogate - enact
  6. abstemious - self-indulgent
  7. abstruse - obvious
  8. acarpous - fecund
  9. accolade - disapprobation
  10. acerbity - sweetness
  11. acquiescence - rebellion
  12. acquit - convict
  13. acrimonious - harmonious
  14. adhere - detach
  15. admonition - countenance
  16. adroit - unskillful
  17. adroit - awkward
  18. adulterate - purify
  19. adulteration - purification
  20. adversity - prosperity
  21. affiliation - dissociation
  22. alacrity - hesitance and reluctance
  23. alacrity - slowness
  24. alienate - harmonize
  25. alleviate - exacerbate
  26. alleviate - worsen
  27. aloof - gregarious
  28. altruism - miserliness
  29. altruistic - selfish
  30. amalgamate - separate
  31. amalgamate - isolate
  32. amass - separate
  33. ambiguous - clear
  34. amelioration - deterioration
  35. amelioration - worsening
  36. amenable - intractable
  37. amicable - unfriendly
  38. amorphous - structured
  39. amorphous - definite
  40. amplify - decrease
  41. amplify - simplify
  42. anathema - benediction
  43. anathema - blessing
  44. anathematize - bless
  45. ancillary - principal
  46. anemic - red-blooded
  47. anodyne - irritating presence
  48. anomalous - usual
  49. anomaly - regularity
  50. anonymous - signed
  51. antediluvian - modern
  52. antipathy - fondness
  53. antithesis - similarity
  54. aplomb - confusion
  55. apostate - loyalist
  56. appease - agitate
  57. apposite - inappropriate
  58. apprehend - set free
  59. apropos - untimely
  60. aptitude - lack of talent
  61. archaic - new
  62. arrant - partial
  63. arrhythmic - exhibiting regularity
  64. artifice - sincerity
  65. artifice - candor
  66. artisan - unskilled laborer
  67. artlessness - cunning
  68. ascend - go down
  69. asceticism - indulgence
  70. aseptic - contaminated
  71. askew - straight
  72. aspersions - flattery
  73. asset - liability
  74. assuage - worsen
  75. assuaged - unsatisfied
  76. asteroid - large planet
  77. astute - foolish
  78. attenuate - thicken
  79. atypical - normal
  80. authentic - bogus
  81. autonomous - dependent
  82. avarice - generosity
  83. avarice - altruism
  84. aver - deny
  85. aversion - affinity
  86. avid - loath
  87. awry - straight
  1. baleful - beneficent
  2. balm - irritant
  3. banal - original
  4. bane - blessing
  5. baneful - salubrious
  6. baneful - nonpoisonous
  7. beatific - impish
  8. bedizen - strip bare
  9. belated - on time
  10. belittle - magnify
  11. benevolent - miserly
  12. benign - malignant
  13. benignity - evilness
  14. benison - curse
  15. bent - ineptitude
  16. berate - eulogize
  17. berserk - sane
  18. bestial - noble
  19. billingsgate - acclaim
  20. blanch - darken
  21. bland - spicy
  22. blandishment - criticism
  23. blithe - grave
  24. boisterous - peaceful
  25. bolster - undermine
  26. bolster - decrease support of
  27. bombast - simple speech
  28. boorish - suave
  29. boycott - patronize
  30. brackish - sweetish
  31. brindled - of uniform color
  32. brook - refuse to tolerate
  33. bucolic - urban
  34. burnish - dull
  1. cadge - earn
  2. calligraphy - scribbling
  3. callow - experienced
  4. callow - sophisticated
  5. calumniate - vindicate
  6. camaraderie - animosity
  7. candid - secretive
  8. capacious - not spacious
  9. capitulation - resistance
  10. capricious - steadfast
  11. captious - tolerant
  12. carnal - spiritual
  13. carnivorous - vegetarian
  14. carousal - sobriety
  15. carping - acquiescent
  16. carte blanche - restriction
  17. catalyze - inhibit
  18. catholic - narrow
  19. caucus - conspiracy
  20. celerity - delay
  21. celibate - married
  22. censure - praise
  23. centrifugal - centripetal
  24. centripetal - centrifugal
  25. cessation - beginning
  26. cessation - beginning
  27. chaffing - serious
  28. chaotic - orderly
  29. chary - foolhardy
  30. chaste - impure
  31. chaste - wanton
  32. chasten - reward
  33. chide - praise
  34. chimerical - realistic
  35. chimerical - not fantastic
  36. choleric - good-natured
  37. choleric - coolheaded
  38. choleric - good-natured
  39. churlish - polite
  40. churlish - gracious
  41. circuitous - direct
  42. clandestine - overt
  43. clemency - unmerciful treatment
  44. coagulate - dissipate
  45. cogent - unconvincing
  46. cogent - fatuous
  47. cognizance - ignorance
  48. cognizant - ignorant
  49. cognoscitive - unconscious
  50. cohesion - independence
  51. colloquial - polished
  52. comatose - alert
  53. comity - discord
  54. commodious - limited
  55. commodious - cramped
  56. compatible - in disagreement with
  57. compendious - verbose
  58. complacency - dissatisfaction
  59. complaisance - churlishness
  60. compliant - adamant
  61. compound - separate
  62. conciliate - quarrel
  63. concur - dissent
  64. condign - inadequate
  65. condign - undeserved
  66. condone - denounce
  67. conduce - counteract
  68. conform - not hew to
  69. conjecture - certainty
  70. console - aggravate grief
  71. contamination - purification
  72. contemplated - random
  73. contiguity - remoteness
  74. convivial - unsociable
  75. conviviality - animosity
  76. convoke - forgive
  77. convoke - adjourn
  78. corroborate - controvert
  79. corroboration - lessening of certainty
  80. cower - brazenly confront
  81. coy - bold
  82. cozen - treat honestly
  83. crabbed - sweet-tempered
  84. crass - refined
  85. craven - brave
  86. cryptic - candid
  87. cudgel - caress
  88. cupidity - generosity
  89. cupidity - altruism
  90. current - obsolete
  91. cursory - detailed
  92. cursory - thorough
  93. curtail - lengthen
  94. cynical - trusting
  1. dank - dry
  2. dastard - hero
  3. dauntless - weak
  4. dauntless - timid
  5. debacle - complete success
  6. debilitate - strengthen
  7. debility - strength
  8. debonair - awkward
  9. decant - slosh out
  10. declivity - upward slope
  11. decorous - improper
  12. decorous - unseemly
  13. decrepit - youthful
  14. decry - condone
  15. defalcate - use money held in trust properly
  16. defection - joining
  17. deference - contempt
  18. defile - purify
  19. delete - insert
  20. deleterious - harmless
  21. demise - birth
  22. denunciation - eulogy
  23. deposition - process of eroding
  24. depravity - goodness
  25. depredation - restoration
  26. deranged - sane
  27. derisive - laudatory
  28. derogatory - praising
  29. desecrate - consecrate
  30. desiccate - inundate
  31. desiccate - drench
  32. despicable - worthy of esteem
  33. destitute - affluent
  34. destitute - wanton
  35. destitute - affluent
  36. desuetude - use
  37. desultory - systematic
  38. deterioration - improvement
  39. devoid - full of
  40. devout - impious
  41. diabolical - seraphic
  42. diatribe - praise
  43. differentiate - combine
  44. diffidence - boldness
  45. dilate - narrow
  46. dilation - contraction
  47. dilatory - expediting
  48. dilettante - professional
  49. diminution - appreciation
  50. disabuse - deceive
  51. disarm - put on guard
  52. discern - overlook
  53. disconsolate - joyous
  54. discrete - continuous
  55. disheveled - tidy
  56. disingenuous - naive
  57. disinterested - prejudiced
  58. disjointed - connected
  59. disjointed - orderly
  60. disjointed - connected
  61. disparage - eulogize
  62. disputatious - conciliatory
  63. disrupt - join together
  64. dissemble - behave honestly
  65. dissipate - economize
  66. dissonance - concord
  67. dissonant - harmonious
  68. dissuade - exhort
  69. distend - diminish
  70. divulge - keep secret
  71. doff - don
  72. doleful - merry
  73. dolorous - happy
  74. dolt - clever person
  75. doltish - clever
  76. dormant - alert
  77. drivel - sense
  78. droll - humorless
  79. ductility - brittleness
  80. dwindle - increase
  1. eclectic - dogmatic
  2. eclectic - uniform
  3. effluvia - desired products
  4. effrontery - shyness
  5. effrontery - deference
  6. egress - entrance
  7. elated - crestfallen
  8. elicit - stifle
  9. emaciated - stout
  10. emaciation - invigoration
  11. emancipate - enslave
  12. embellish - disfigure
  13. eminent - notorious
  14. emollient - irritating
  15. endemic - pandemic
  16. enervate - invigorate
  17. enervate - fortify
  18. enervate - strengthen
  19. enigmatic - free of ambiguity
  20. enigmatic - easily understood
  21. enmity - affection
  22. ennui - excitement
  23. ensconce - uncover
  24. ensemble - solo
  25. ensue - precede
  26. ephemeral - eternal
  27. ephemeral - permanent
  28. equable - stormy
  29. equanimity - agitation
  30. equanimity - agitation
  31. equivocal - clear
  32. erratic - consistent
  33. ersatz - authentic
  34. erudite - ignorant
  35. eschew - welcome
  36. esoteric - generally known
  37. ethereal - tangible
  38. eulogistic - critical
  39. euphonious - strident
  40. euphony - discord
  41. euphoria - discomfort
  42. evasive - frank
  43. evince - conceal
  44. exasperate - placate
  45. excoriate - praise
  46. excoriate - soothe
  47. exculpate - attribute guilt
  48. exculpate - accuse
  49. execrable - excellent
  50. execrate - acclaim
  51. exhort - dissuade
  52. exhume - inter
  53. exodus - entry
  54. exonerate - accuse
  55. exorbitant - moderate
  56. expatiate - talk briefly
  57. expunge - perpetuate
  58. extant - destroyed
  59. extant - lost or destroyed
  60. extemporaneous - rehearsed
  61. extinguish - ignite
  62. extirpate - implant
  63. extraneous - essential
  64. extrinsic - inherent
  65. extrovert - introvert
  1. factitious - spontaneous
  2. factitious - genuine
  3. fallacy - valid argument
  4. fantastic - realistic
  5. fatuous - sensible
  6. fawning - arrogant
  7. feasible - impractical
  8. feasible - impracticable
  9. feckless - strong
  10. fecund - unable to produce
  11. felicity - misery
  12. fell - propitious
  13. ferrous - containing no iron
  14. fervid - restrained
  15. fervid - listless
  16. fetid - having a pleasant smell
  17. fettered - liberated
  18. fiasco - success
  19. fickle - loyal
  20. fidelity - treachery
  21. flaccid - taut
  22. flagrant - conspicuously good
  23. flamboyant - restrained
  24. flaunt - hide
  25. fledgling - experienced
  26. flinch - extol
  27. fluctuate - remain steady
  28. fluency - hesitance
  29. focus - disperse
  30. fortuitous - unfortunate
  31. fractious - agreeable
  32. frangible - sturdy
  33. frequency - rarity
  34. frequent - visit rarely
  35. frothy - substantial
  36. frustrate - abet
  37. fulgent - dull
  38. fumble - handle adroitly
  39. furtive - open
  1. gainsay - speak in support of
  2. galvanize - restrain
  3. garrulous - silent
  4. garrulous - taciturn
  5. gasconade - modesty
  6. gauche - graceful
  7. gauche - tactful
  8. gelid - warm
  9. generously - niggardly
  10. genuflect - stand erect
  11. germinal - fully developed
  12. global - local
  13. gnome - giant
  14. goad - curb
  15. gourmet - glutton
  16. grandiose - simple
  17. granulate - crystallize
  18. gratuitous - warranted
  19. gratuitous - necessary
  20. gratuity - stipend
  21. gregarious - antisocial
  22. grisly - pleasant
  23. group - isolate
  24. gullible - incredulous
  25. gusto - distaste
  26. gusty - calm
  1. hackneyed - original
  2. haggard - plump
  3. halcyon - rough
  4. halcyon - martial
  5. hamper - support
  6. haphazard - deliberate
  7. hapless - fortunate
  8. harbinger - follower
  9. hedonist - puritan
  10. hegira - return
  11. heretic - believer
  12. hermetic - permeable
  13. heterogeneity - similarity
  14. heterogeneous - uniform
  15. heterogeneous - similar
  16. hiatus - nexus
  17. hibernal - estival
  18. hibernal - summerlike
  19. hilarity - gloom
  20. hirsute - bald
  21. hirsute - bald
  22. homogeneous - variegated
  23. hone - blunt
  24. hortatory - dissuading
  25. hoyden - demure girl
  26. humility - arrogance
  27. hummock - vale
  28. husbandry - friction
  29. hyperbole - understatement
  30. hyperborean - sultry
  1. ignominious - honorable
  2. ignominy - fame
  3. illusive - not deceptive
  4. immaculate - sullied
  5. immediate - future
  6. immunity - susceptibility
  7. immure - liberate
  8. immutable - changeable
  9. mpalpable - obvious
  10. impasse - open road
  11. impassive - demonstrative
  12. impeccable - faulty
  13. impecunious - prosperous
  14. impecunious - affluent
  15. impediment - assistance
  16. imperturbable - hysterical
  17. impervious - penetrable
  18. impolitic - advisable
  19. impotent - powerful
  20. improbity - integrity
  21. improbity - honesty
  22. impromptu - rehearsed
  23. impudent - embarrassed
  24. impunity - liability
  25. inadequate - sufficient
  26. inadvertence - careful attention
  27. inane - wise
  28. inanimate - lively
  29. incessant - interrupted
  30. incipient - concluding
  31. incipient - full-blown
  32. inclement - kind
  33. inclement - opposed
  34. incogitable - conceivable
  35. incredulity - gullibility
  36. increment - decrease
  37. indefatigable - exhausted
  38. indigenous - acquired
  39. indigenous - alien
  40. inebriation - sobriety
  41. ineluctable - easily avoided
  42. inflate - minimize
  43. inhibit - encourage
  44. inimical - amiable
  45. iniquitous - faithful
  46. insidious - loyal
  47. insipid - flavorful
  48. insolvent - financially stable
  49. inter - exhume
  50. intermittent - constant
  51. intransigent - yielding
  52. intrepid - cowardly
  53. intrepid - craven
  54. intrinsic - extrinsic
  55. inured - inexperienced
  56. inveigh - laud
  57. inveterate - inexperienced
  58. inveterate - easily eliminated
  59. inveterate - casual
  60. invulnerable - penetrable
  61. irascible - placid
  62. irrelevant - pertinent
  63. irreverent - pious
  64. itinerant - settled
  1. jaded - stimulated
  2. jaundiced - unbiased
  3. jocose - morose
  4. jocular - solemn
  5. juicy - desiccated
  • kith - strangers
  1. labile - stable
  2. lackadaisical - ambitious
  3. laconic - lengthy
  4. laconic - wordy
  5. laconic - voluble
  6. laconic - garrulous
  7. laconic - voluble
  8. lambaste - extol
  9. lampoon - praise
  10. languor - vigor
  11. lassitude - strength
  12. latent - obvious
  13. laudable - ignominious
  14. laudatory - defamatory
  15. lavish - hoard
  16. lechery - chastity
  17. lethargic - vigorous
  18. lethargic - awake
  19. lethargic - invigorating
  20. levity - gravity
  21. levity - solemnity
  22. limber - rigid
  23. limp - firm
  24. limpid - turbid
  25. lionize - denigrate
  26. lithe - stiff
  27. livid - purplish
  28. loath - eager
  29. longevity - evanescence
  30. loquacious - taciturn
  31. loutish - sophisticated
  32. lucrative - unprofitable
  33. lugubrious - gay
  34. lugubrious - cheerful
  35. lugubrious - cheerful
  36. lugubrious - gay
  37. lumber - glide
  38. lurid - dull
  1. maculated - unspotted
  2. malediction - benediction
  3. malevolent - kindly
  4. malign - praise
  5. malign - eulogize
  6. malleable - brittle
  7. maniacal - sane
  8. manifest - obscure
  9. mannered - natural
  10. manumit - enslave
  11. maunder - talk intelligently
  12. mawkish - intelligent
  13. mawkishness - unsentimentality
  14. mediocre - superior
  15. mellifluous - cacophonous
  16. mellifluous - strident
  17. mendacious - truthful
  18. meticulous - remiss
  19. miasma - fragrant aroma
  20. militant - pacific
  21. minatory - reassuring
  22. minion - master
  23. mitigate - intensify
  24. moiety - whole
  25. mollify - intensify
  26. mollify - irritate
  27. mollify - provoke
  28. momentous - unimportant
  29. moribund - living
  30. moribund - robust
  31. moribund - living
  32. motility - stasis
  33. motility - paralysis
  34. mugwump - loyal member
  35. multifarious - monolithic
  36. mundane - extraordinary
  37. mundane - unearthly
  38. munificence - stinginess
  39. munificent - miserly
  40. mutter - speak distinctly
  41. myopic - farsighted
  1. nadir - pinnacle
  2. nadir - apex
  3. nascency - conclusion
  4. nascent - fading
  5. nebulous - distinct
  6. nebulous - clear
  7. nefarious - benign
  8. nefarious - virtuous
  9. nefarious - angelic
  10. negation - affirmation
  11. neophyte - veteran
  12. nettle - mollify
  13. nexus - schism
  14. niggardly - lavish
  15. niggardly - prodigal
  16. nocturnal - daily
  17. noisome - fragrant
  18. noisome - beneficial
  19. nonstriated - striped
  20. notorious - renowned
  21. notorious - angelic
  22. nucleate - scatter
  23. nugatory - consequential
  1. obdurate - easily swayed
  2. obdurate - yielding
  3. obdurate - complaisant
  4. obdurate - easily swayed
  5. obdurate - yielding
  6. obdurate - tender
  7. obese - slim
  8. obese - cadaverous
  9. obfuscate - elucidate
  10. obfuscate - clarify
  11. obligatory - optional
  12. obloquy - praise
  13. obsequious - supercilious
  14. obsequiousness - imperiousness
  15. obsession - whim
  16. obsolete - renovated
  17. obstreperous - quiet
  18. obtuse - shrewd
  19. odious - delightful
  20. odium - liking
  21. odium - affection
  22. odium - infatuation
  23. off-key - at the proper pitch
  24. omnipotent - weak
  25. omnipresent - limited
  26. omniscient - ignorant
  27. opaque - transparent
  28. opportune - awkward
  29. opportunist - man of principle
  30. opprobrious - irreproachable
  31. opprobrious - commendatory
  32. opprobrium - praise
  33. optimum - worst
  34. opulence - poverty
  35. opulent - penurious
  36. ornate - simple
  37. orotund - not resonant
  38. oscillate - remain fixed
  39. ossify - transcend conventions
  40. ostentatious - unpretentious
  41. ostentatious - plain
  42. outset - termination
  43. overt - hidden
  44. overweening - humble
  1. pacifist - militarist
  2. paean - lament
  3. paean - dirge
  4. palatial - humble
  5. palatial - small
  6. palliate - increase the intensity of
  7. palliate - worsen
  8. pallid - ruddy
  9. palpability - intangibility
  10. palpable - intangible
  11. paltry - munificent
  12. paltry - significant
  13. pandemonium - calm
  14. panegyric - denunciation
  15. paranoia - sanity
  16. pariah - favorite
  17. parry - discuss
  18. parsimonious - extravagant
  19. paucity - abundance
  20. pejorative - having favorable connotations
  21. pellucid - opaque
  22. penchant - dislike
  23. penitent - unrepentant
  24. perdition - salvation
  25. peregrinate - remain in one spot
  26. perennial - minute
  27. perfidious - faithful
  28. perfidy - fealty
  29. perfunctory - thorough
  30. perseverance - cessation of effort
  31. pertain - be irrelevant
  32. philistine - aesthete
  33. phlegmatic - effusive
  34. phlegmatic - vivacious
  35. pied - solid-colored
  36. pillory - exalt
  37. pillory - venerate
  38. pinch - abundant amount
  39. piquancy - blandness
  40. piquant - bland
  41. pith - superficial element
  42. plasticity - rigidity
  43. plethora - scarcity
  44. plethora - paucity
  45. plumb - horizontal
  46. polemic - agreement
  47. polemical - conciliatory
  48. porous - impermeable
  49. postulate - verify
  50. postulate - prove
  51. prate - talk meaningfully
  52. prate - refrain from speaking
  53. precarious - safe
  54. precarious - firmly grounded
  55. preciosity - vulgarism
  56. precipitate - cautious
  57. precipitate - deliberate
  58. precipitate - cautious
  59. precipitous - well-planned
  60. precipitous - gently sloping
  61. precursory - succeeding
  62. prefatory - conclusive
  63. prejudiced - disinterested
  64. prelude - conclusion
  65. prelude - aftermath
  66. presumption - humility
  67. pretentious - modest
  68. pretentious - unassuming
  69. prevaricate - tell the truth
  70. prevarication - veracity
  71. prim - prior
  72. prim - improper
  73. pristine - corrupted by civilization
  74. pristine - cultivated
  75. pristine - contaminated
  76. pristine - corrupted by civilization
  77. probity - corruptibility
  78. proclivity - aversion
  79. proclivity - avoidance
  80. proclivity - disinclination
  81. procrastinate - expedite
  82. prodigal - thrifty
  83. prodigious - slight
  84. prodigious - infinitesimal
  85. prodigious - minute
  86. profane - sanctify
  87. progenitor - descendant
  88. prolix - pithy
  89. prolix - terse
  90. prologue - epilogue
  91. promontory - depression
  92. propinquity - remoteness
  93. propinquity - distance
  94. propitiate - anger
  95. propitious - unfavorable
  96. prosaic - romantic
  97. prosaic - extraordinary
  98. prosaic - imaginative
  99. proscribe - sanction
  100. protean - uniform
  101. protract - shorten
  102. provincial - sophisticated
  103. provisional - permanent
  104. proximate - distant
  105. pseudo - genuine
  106. puerile - mature
  107. puerile - adult
  108. puissant - weak
  109. pulchritude - ugliness
  110. punctilious - careless
  111. punctuality - tardiness
  112. punitive - rewarding
  113. pusillanimous - courageous
  114. putative - undisputed
  115. putrid - aromatic
  1. quell - foment
  2. querulous - satisfied
  3. querulous - amenable
  4. quiescence - action
  5. quiescent - restless
  6. quota - unlimited number
  7. quotidian - extraordinary
  8. quotidian - extraordinary
  1. radiate - absorb
  2. raffish - noble
  3. raffish - august
  4. rail - speak well of
  5. rally - disband
  6. rankle - assuage
  7. rant - speak moderately
  8. rarefy - make more dense
  9. ratiocination - intuition
  10. raucous - mellifluous
  11. ravage - reconstruct
  12. ravel - knit
  13. recalcitrant - tractable
  14. recalcitrant - yielding
  15. recidivism - effective rehabilitation
  16. recluse - person who loves society
  17. recondite - easily understood
  18. recreant - gallant
  19. rectify - err
  20. redolent - fetid
  21. redress - injury
  22. refractory - zealous
  23. refractory - obedient
  24. refractory - manageable
  25. refulgent - dim
  26. regal - common
  27. rehabilitate - destroy
  28. rejuvenate - age
  29. relish - dislike
  30. remiss - painstaking
  31. renegade - loyalist
  32. renege - carry out faithfully
  33. repine - express joy
  34. replete - devoid
  35. reprobate - righteous individual
  36. reprove - commend
  37. repudiate - accept
  38. repugnance - love
  39. retain - discard
  40. retard - speed up
  41. reticence - loquaciousness
  42. retrench - augment
  43. revile - praise
  44. rotundity - slimness
  45. rubicund - pallid
  46. ruddy - wan
  47. rudimentary - developed
  48. rudimentary - advanced
  49. rueful - content
  50. ruthless - merciful
  1. sacerdotal - lay
  2. sadistic - kindhearted
  3. sagacious - stupid
  4. sagacious - foolish
  5. salacious - wholesome
  6. salient - concealed
  7. sallow - ruddy
  8. sallow - ruddy
  9. salubrious - miasmic
  10. salubrious - unhealthful
  11. salvage - lose
  12. sanguine - pessimistic
  13. sardonic - sincere
  14. saturnine - cheerful
  15. savory - insipid
  16. schism - union
  17. scotch - foster
  18. scourge - reward
  19. scurrilous - decent
  20. scurvy - above reproach
  21. secular - clerical
  22. sedentary - active
  23. seditious - orderly
  24. sedulous - lazy
  25. segment - make whole
  26. senescence - youth
  27. senility - childhood
  28. sensual - spiritual
  29. sententious - verbose
  30. sequester - include
  31. serendipitous - planned
  32. servile - independent
  33. servile - haughty
  34. sessile - mobile
  35. shoddy - superior
  36. sinister - good
  37. sleazy - firmly textured
  38. sleazy - substantial
  39. sloth - industry
  40. slovenly - tidy
  41. slovenly - methodical
  42. sobriety - inebriety
  43. solecism - proper usage
  44. solicitude - inattention
  45. solstice - equinox
  46. solvent - bankrupt
  47. somatic - mental
  48. sophomoric - mature
  49. soporific - awakening
  50. soporific - stimulant
  51. soporific - energizer
  52. sordid - magnificent
  53. specious - valid
  54. spurious - genuine
  55. spurious - authentic
  56. spurious - genuine
  57. squander - preserve
  58. stability - inconstancy
  59. stability - inconstancy
  60. staccato - legato
  61. stamina - weakness
  62. stark - partial
  63. stereotyped - original
  64. stertorous - labored
  65. stint - squander
  66. stoic - passionate
  67. strident - pleasant
  68. stubborn - pliant
  69. stultify - enlighten
  70. stymie - foster
  71. subliminal - obvious
  72. sublimity - baseness
  73. supercilious - subservient
  74. supercilious - humble
  75. supercilious - subservient
  76. superfluity - dearth
  77. supernal - devilish
  78. supine - vigilant
  79. surreptitious - straightforward
  80. sybaritic - austere
  1. tacit - open
  2. taciturn - garrulous
  3. tantamount - unequal
  4. tawdry - elegant
  5. teleological - without purpose
  6. temerarious - prudent
  7. temerity - diffidence
  8. tenacious - yielding
  9. tenuous - substantial
  10. terminus - beginning
  11. testiness - patience
  12. torpor - activity
  13. tousle - groom
  14. tractable - unmanageable
  15. tractable - froward
  16. transient - eternal
  17. transient - permanent
  18. transparent - opaque
  19. travail - relaxation
  20. travesty - paragon
  21. treacherousness - faithfulness
  22. tremulous - serene
  23. trenchant - obtuse
  24. trencherman - finicky eater
  25. trepidation - courage
  26. trite - original
  27. truculent - docile
  28. truculent - gentle
  29. trumpery - honesty
  30. tumult - repose
  31. turbid - limpid
  32. turbid - clear
  33. turbid - limpid
  34. turbulence - calm
  35. turgid - flaccid
  36. turgid - deflated
  37. turpitude - probity
  38. turpitude - inherent virtue
  39. turpitude - saintly behavior
  40. tyro - expert
  1. ulterior - stated
  2. ultimate - incipient
  3. unalloyed - adulterated
  4. unanimity - discord
  5. unassuaged - soothed
  6. unbridled - restrained
  7. unconventionality - fidelity to custom
  8. uncouth - graceful
  9. undermine - undergird
  10. undermine - strengthen
  11. unearth - conceal
  12. unearth - inter
  13. unfeigned - disguised
  14. unfeigned - simulated
  15. unfeigned - pretended
  16. ungainly - graceful
  17. unimpeachable - not blameless
  18. unimpeachable - faulty
  19. unison - discord
  20. unkempt - neat
  21. unkempt - tidy
  22. unruly - obedient
  23. unruly - tractable
  24. unscathed - wounded
  25. unseemly - proper
  26. unseemly - becoming
  27. unsullied - tarnished
  28. untenable - supportable
  29. untoward - favorable and anticipated
  30. unwitting - intentional
  31. urbane - naive
  32. utilitarian - artistic
  33. uxorious - hating ones own wife
  1. vacillate - remain constant
  2. vacillating - resolute
  3. vacillation - steadfastness
  4. vacuous - full
  5. vacuous - insightful
  6. vague - well-defined
  7. valedictory - salutatory
  8. valetudinarian - healthy person
  9. vanguard - echelon
  10. vapid - spirited
  11. vaunted - belittled
  12. vehement - calm
  13. venal - honest
  14. veneration - derision
  15. venial - unforgivable
  16. venturous - timorous
  17. verdant - faded
  18. veritable - specious
  19. verity - falsehood
  20. vertex - base
  21. viable - moribund
  22. vilify - sing the praises of
  23. vilify - eulogize
  24. vindicate - blame
  25. virile - effeminate
  26. viscid - slick
  27. voluble - reticent
  28. voracious - generous
  1. waffle - speak unequivocally
  2. wanton - chaste
  3. wastrel - paragon
  4. wastrel - conservator
  5. wax - grow smaller
  6. welter - orderly arrangement
  • yokel - urbane individual
zenith - nadir

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